A Short Guide On How To Balance Out Every Meal You Take

A poor diet and an unhealthy lifestyle are the main reasons why hundreds of people struggle with diseases. These two things also make it hard to lose weight. If you’re struggling with hair loss, tooth decay, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart diseases, or depression, it might all be because of poor nutrition. 

What you eat doesn’t only affect your body, it also has an impact on your mental health, which is why you should start to pay more attention to what you put in your body. Eating a balanced meal means that your body gets all the needed calories and nutrition to provide you with enough energy for the day. 

However, to create a healthy diet, you should first understand what your body needs, what portions of every type of nutrition are recommended, and how to balance every meal you take. Here’s a complete guide on how to balance your meals to get the best results and avoid many diseases. 

Enjoying food with friends

Staying Hydrated 

Many people think a healthy and balanced diet is only about our food, but staying hydrated can help you enjoy a healthy life. Drinking enough water can improve your metabolism, regulate blood pressure, and help with weight loss. The more you drink, the less you’ll feel the urge to eat. You’ll also stay hydrated without adding unnecessary calories to your body. 

What to Eat for a Balanced Meal?

There are five main food groups in the world. Protein, dairy, grains, vegetables, and fruits. A healthy diet should include all five. However, for every meal, you should make sure to include at least two or three from this food group. By doing that, you’ll guarantee that every day, your body has enough nutrition and energy. 

Vitamins And Mineral Supplements 

If you’re not a big fan of proteins, grains, or veggies, you can replace one or two of the main food groups with supplements. As advised by Fusion Health, you can get your daily amount of energy through properly prescribed health supplements. Vitamins and minerals that don’t come from food are an excellent source of nutrition for those struggling to keep a balanced diet or those whose bodies don’t absorb the right amount of nutrition from the food they consume. 


The main component of protein the body needs is amino acids. There are three types of amino acids, essential, non-essential, and conditional.

The essential amino acids are the ones our body cannot produce on its own and should be supplied by food. It’s usually found in meat, eggs, soy, tofu, and poultry. While the non-essential amino acids are the ones our body produces on its own. The conditional ones are the amino acids we need when we’re ill or struggling with certain diseases. 

Foods that contain all types of amino acids are fish, nuts, beans, peas, and legumes, 


Dairy products contain calcium and vitamin D, which are the main components in building strong muscles and bones. They’re essential for every age as they can prompt bone health for children, and prevent osteoporosis for adults. 

One Glass of milk contains 25% calcium, 20% phosphorus, 20% pantothenic acid, 35% riboflavin, 15% vitamin D, 15% vitamin A, 8% potassium, and 10% niacin. All of them contribute to building strong muscles and teeth, enhancing body growth, improving metabolism, promoting healthy skin, and enhancing blood circulation. 

Those who don’t consume any dairy products can get a good amount of calcium from plant-based milk such as soy, almond, coconut, rice, and oats. However, they’re not classified as dairy products. 


When talking about grains, we’re talking about whole grain products not refined white flour. Whole grain products contain the outer shell that contains all the nutrition, unlike refined white. This outer shell contains vitamins, minerals, and fiber that boosts our body with energy. 

When choosing pasta, rice, flour, or bread, make sure that it’s made from whole grain to have the full nutritional benefit. 

Veggies And Fruits 

Vegetables and fruits are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They also make great shakes and are a good source of sugar. The best type of vegetables is dark leafy greens such as spinach, green beans, kale, and broccoli. They contain many types of nutritional benefits and can be cooked in many ways to go with any meal. You can also create an energy smoothie with these veggies. 

Fruits contain sugar, but a good type of sugar, unlike candies and sweets. You can add them with your veggies in a salad, make a smoothie with them, or just eat them as a midday snack. 

What to Avoid? 

To create a balanced meal, you should also be aware of the food and drinks you should avoid. Some food can be healthy for us and provide vitamins and minerals but when consumed all the time, it can have a negative effect. These unhealthy products include sugar, caffeine, refined and processed food, unhealthy fats, salt, and junk food. 

  • Sugar that doesn’t come from fruits or veggies is calorically empty as it has 0% nutrition. It affects your health and slows your metabolism.  
  • Too much caffeine can cause headaches, fatigue, and high blood pressure. 
  • Processed food eliminates the nutrition from the food and only leaves a small amount of fiber. 
  • Unhealthy fats are found in all fried food. They can lead to heart diseases and high cholesterol levels. 
  • Salt is an essential nutrient for the body as it helps maintain heart rhythm. However, anything more than a quarter of a teaspoon of salt a day can lead to several health problems.
Tasty balanced meals

Having proteins, carbs, grains, and veggies in every meal will allow your body to absorb all the nutrition it needs. It will also provide you with the needed energy to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In addition, a balanced meal will assist with digestion and improve metabolism. In order to know how much you need from each food group, you should consult your nutritionist or health professional. Your body weight, amounts of fats in the body, percentage of muscles, and age contribute to the number of calories and protein you should consume daily.

Ali Rayno

Ali Rayno writes on lifestyle topics, mental wellness and all things together with making your life just a little better (or helping you pull yourself out of a hole if things aren't going so well). As a mother of one, and a passion for helping people find their inner peace, she's our resident expert on all things practical.

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